I'm a 45 year old SAHM. I live on the East coast of Suffolk with my lovely hubby, our 17 year old son and our totally mad 13 year old Labradoodle. I love all papercrafts, but at the moment my passion is for cardmaking and scrapbooking. Thanks for visiting.
If you like what you see here, please feel free to take inspiration from any of my designs for your own personnal use, but please don't copy them and pass them off as your own and not give me credit (that's not a nice thing to do), or enter them into competitions, or submit them for publication. If you do make anything inspired by my work, please let me know, i'd love to see it.
I've made this card for two challenges, the weekly challenge over on the Hallmarkscrapbook.com, which was to use the Partridge from Joys of the Season cart, and i also used Laura's sketch over on 2 Sketches 4 You.
OMG what a great card you have made I love those color combo and that bird. You did a great job.
Wow Tracey!!!
This card is Fab!! I love the color combo:)
Great take on my sketch!
Sorry I spelled your name wrong!!! I was so mesmerized by your beautiful card:)
Wow you just amaze me Tracy...Yet another fantastic card.
Beautiful card!
This is super! The details are amazing - I actually leaned in to take a closer look :) Great job on Laura's Sketch Tracy!
This is stunning. I love the rich colors. Fabulous card!!
Absolutely gorgeous, such a winning combination of all elements!!
OMG Tracy, this is amazing!!! WOW!! I have no idea how I'm going to top that! Or even try!
WOW! Now thats a lot of hardwork! Its gorgeous!
Gorgeous card- the colours are stunning!
Oh wow this is absolutely stunning just love everything about it
Tracy this is stunning I love it
Wow! So pretty and intricate! Great job with the sketch!
Beautiful card! The colors are great together.
Your card is beautiful:)
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